LoL Ranked Wins

LoL Ranked Wins

Your leading ranked wins boost experience.

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Why you should get a ranked wins boost?

We recommend you to buy win boosts when you feel that you cannot make further progress in the game. The reasons may vary. You are only able to climb the ladder if you can carry games more intensely than your teammates feeding. At some point, that can become really difficult, since the LoL ELO system has some flaws. The ELO system works great for 1v1 games such as chess (where it comes from), but when it comes to a 5v5 game such as LoL, it is just not as rewarding as it should be. The system considers the team members as equal. It does not matter whether you have outplayed the whole enemy team or you are legendary, at some point, this will not be enough to carry a whole game. We recommend you to buy a win boost when you feel that you have reached that point and you cannot carry any longer, but you would like to play meaningful games in higher divisions.

Briefly about ranked wins boost

Ranked wins boost is a great solution if you find it hard to make further progress in the game. Through ranked wins boost, the customer is able to purchase a desired number of wins. All you have to do is to choose how many ranked wins you would like to have on your LoL account. Ranked wins boost is a great solution if you got stuck on a particular division, or you just simply want to increase the MMR (Match-Making Rating) on your account.

The process of ranked wins boost

After purchasing a win boost, one of our boosters will start to play on your account. He will try to win as many ranked games as possible in order to finish his work in the fastest manner. What happens if he loses a game? Losing a game while ranked wins boost means that the booster will have to play extra games. For example, If you buy 10 wins and the booster loses 2 games, he will have 12 wins and 2 defeats overall by the time he has finished ranked win boost on your account.

Division versus ranked wins boosting

Purchasing a wins boost is a smaller type of investment. If you do not feel comfortable investing in a division boost, buying a wins boost can be a safe first step towards your goal. Ranked wins boost can also be a great opportunity if you are about to try our services for the first time. By purchasing a smaller wins boost you will have the opportunity to get to know more about our high-quality services by trying out the process of the purchase itself. Since the wins boost is a smaller investment than division boosting, in most cases, it will also take us less time to complete it. Overall, ranked wins boost is an easy, fast and smart way to get confident about our high-quality services at BoostRoyal.