League of Legends: Wild Rift Tier List 2023

League of Legends: Wild Rift Tier List 2023


The tier list refers to the relative strength of champions in the League and is one method of determining a champion's power level. It aids in determining which champion to choose in a game, as well as which champions to ban and counter your opponent. This tier list contains a list of the greatest heroes for each lane. Tier S, the strongest champion, is at the top of the ranking, followed by A, B, and C, which reflect increasing strength.

Importance of Tier System in Champion Selection

Following the release of a new patch for Wild Rift, here is the new Tier list for high elo players. Here is a Wild Rift Tier List that ranks the best and worst picks for each role to assist players in understanding which champions dominate and which fall off. When considering the champions' hierarchy, this tier list presupposes those individuals who use the champions know how to play them.

Importance of Understanding Lanes and Roles

We'll look at the various lanes and the roles that go along with them. These are some of the most crucial concepts to grasp in League of Legends: Wild Rift and they can be quite difficult to grasp at first. However, once they start to click, you'll be even better.

Tier S: Powerful and versatile. They can fill a variety of roles and can easily carry a game.

Tier A: Strong and can fit into most team positions. They have a high skill ceiling but not as much utility or damage compared to Tier S.

Tier B: Fairly strong. They'll be strong choices on particular maps with specific objectives, but they won't usually provide enough CC or damage to carry a game.

Tier C: Although not the strongest, they can still be useful in certain team combinations. They are usually chosen as an early-game jungle or support who needs team protection.

Knowing the best champion choices is important, but learning how to use them can be difficult. We recommend choosing a coaching service so you can pick up new skills and quickly improve your experience playing the game.


Wild Rift Top / Baron Lane


Wild Rift Champion


Camille, Fiora, Garen, Sett, Renekton, Riven, Gragas, Irelia, Wukong, Olaf


Akali, Darius, Kennen, Malphite, Pantheon, Graves, Nasus, Shen, Jayce, Dr. Mundo


Jarvan IV, Jax, Singed, Tryndamere


Teemo, Kayle

Wild Rift Mid Lane


Wild Rift Champion


Akali, Ahri, Diana, Katarina, Ziggs, Zed, Karma, Orianna, Gragas


Aurelion Sol, Corki, Brand, Galio, Yasuo, Jayce Twisted Fate, Akshan, Fizz, Lucian, Morgana, Renekton, Veigar


Lux, Pantheon, Zed, Annie, Seraphine



Wild Rift Jungle


Wild Rift Champion


Evelynn, Kha’Zix, Lee Sin, Nunu & Willump, Olaf, Morgana, Graves, Vi, Fiora


Amumu, Master Yi, Gragas, Olaf, Rengar, Shyvana, Vi, Xin Zhao, Wukong, Pantheon, Jarvan IV


Sett, Rammus, Riven, Shyvana, Tyndamere


Dr Mundo, Amumu

Wild Rift Dragon Lane Support


Wild Rift Champion


Lulu, Braum, Janna, Nami, Yuumi, Thresh, Morgana, Karma


Leona, Alistar, Rakan, Seraphine, Senna, Galio, Shen, Sett


Blitzcrank, Sona, Lux, Amumu



Wild Rift Dragon Lane Marksman


Wild Rift Champion


Ezreal, Jinx, Kai’Sa, Xayah, Lucian, Tristana, Jhin


Draven, Morgana, Tristana, Varus, Karma, Corki, Ziggs, Seraphine


Ashe, Jhin, Vayne, Miss Fortune, Brand, Veigar, Senna


If you are interested in more Wild Rift tier lists, check out our article about the list of animals in the game!


To summarize, knowing the Wild Rift Tier List is a crucial asset for every League of Legends player. It helps players choose the best champions for each lane and position, and it allows them to make educated judgments when banning and countering their opponents.
The most recent 2023 tier list provides essential information into the current power levels of champions in the game. You may improve your chances of success in the game by monitoring the rankings and polishing your abilities with top-tier champions.
Remember that the tier list only depicts the champions' potential power levels, not their guaranteed performance, and that it is up to individual players to maximize the champions' abilities.