ELO boost differences
At Boostroyal we make difference between pay per win and division
boosting as our two main services. There are some other services coming in the
future, such as duo queue boosting and normal win boosting, but at the moment you
can choose to buy desired amount of ranked wins or any ranked division up to
diamond I. There are many aspects that you can examine before choosing each
service. An important aspect is price. The price of each services were
calculated in such way, that both of them are efficient. What I mean is, that
none of the two services will be any cheaper than the other if we want the same
results. Except some cases. Many would think that by buying different amount of
ranked wins many times (to get through the promotion games for example) will
make them save some cash. The truth is that this type of ELO boosting is
usually cost the same amount of money or even more than division boosting, not
to mention the extra effort and time you put in to get the same results. Of
course there are exceptions when buying smart amount of ranked wins at the
right time (Promotion games for example) will pay out and you will be able
achieve small and important results at low-cost. Though, you will see more
efficient results most of the time by buying division boost instead of win
boost. The reason behind this is because this type of service will give you
more precise and more useful results. If you really want a huge impact in your
ranked games you will need to skip ELO hell and all the divisions that it
consists. Win boosting will not let you see such extreme results in any small
amount of time period. Division boosting in the other hand will make it
possible to see yourself in platinum tier from silver in less than a week.
These results usually come way cheaper and it is guaranteed that you will
experience League of Legends from an all new angle, and enjoy the competitive
and exciting gameplay in the highest tiers of the game. In conclusion, there
are no bad purchase choices when it comes to ELO boost with Boostroyal. Each
one of our current services will give you outstanding and fast results! Stay
tuned, as we are about to introduce some new and exciting features and services
in the near future!
July 27, 2017